It’s hard to crunch.

It’s hard to crunch.


At Haruhi-en Niho

A staff brought a gourd which she got from her friend.

Ms. S said “It’s so hard to crunch.”

After dinner, Ms. S said it was hard to crunch this size of gourd but a cucumber.

It should have been cooked in other ways…

They talked about how to eat a gourd for a while.




A story of a resident and her daughter

A story of a resident and her daughter



By H.Yamamoto

At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

A resident and her daughter went to downtown for grocery shopping, the other day. A stranger came and asked them if they were on Haruhi-dayori a little ago. Her daughter told me that her mother was active so that they had a good talk for a while. I’m very glad to know people in this community looking over and supporting us very much, owing to Haruhi-dayori which ties us to the community.
