Pickled scallions

Pickled scallions


By Q-taro


At Haruhi-en Niho


Mr. U who likes drinking sake loves the scallions pickled last year. Please make qality one this year as well!

By the way,we asked them to make something for the residents who don’t drink. Then, we’ve got one request.

Plum Jam!…comes from…well, Mr. U, again!

It’s his favorite, too!





My hands do it automatically.

My hands do it automatically.


At Haruhi-en Niho

We’ve got tons of cucumbers from our neighbors and resident’s family.

We really appreciate it.

Ms. T was cutting cucumbers, so I went to look for a camera.

Well, I could find it before she’s done.

She’s usually done very fast before taking a photo.

Q-taro: “Oh, are we gonna have only cucumbers today?”

Ms. T: “No, oh..well, I should not do things like this. My son would get mad at me!”

Q-taro:” Anyway, you must be something, cutting these so fast, even though you’re chatting and not looking!”




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Nanta Lucia! (What a surprise!)

Nanta Lucia! (What a surprise!)


At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

Ms. T was reading an article of the news paper, and said

“Oh my goodness, 75 % of the aged die at hospital while 12 % of them die at home.

That is, people who don’t eat good food at home live longer than those of hospital!

Well, it means that it is better to be left alone at home than to be taken to hospital!

Nanta Lucia. Nanta Lucia! “(What a surprise! what a surprise! (LOL))

Well, it must give us a different view! It makes a sense, in a way (LOL).


