Ms. T : A born needleworker!

Ms. T : A born needleworker!



At Haruhi-en Niho


Grouphome is a place to provide everyday life to the people with dementia.

We do laundry every single day, and sometimes do needlework.


Q-taro: “Ms. T, can you see this hole on the pants? Can you mend it?”

Ms. T: “Wow, what a big hole! O.K. Give me a needle and a thread.

I’d better use a sewing machine, though.”

Q-taro: “Don’you have one, do you?”

Ms. T: “A sewing machine? I guess there is one at my house.”

Q-taro: “Why don’t you ask your son to bring it here?”

Ms. T: “My eyes got dim. I can’t see very well.”

Q-taro: “You must be kidding! You’ve already done with sewing and knotting a thread.”

Ms. T: “Oh my goodness! Who did this?”

Q-taro: “It’s you!”

Ms. T: “Really?”