My mentors are Pe Hayashiya and his wife, Pa.

My mentors are Pe Hayashiya and his wife, Pa.


At Haruhi-en Niho

We can’t go without a digital camera.

Absolutely necessary for taking residents’ daily activities and for our publicity activities.

All of us take tons of photos every day.

My mentors are Pe Hayashiya and his wife, Pa.

We take bunch of photos like these.

We often change batteries.

As far as changing batteries, I’m really good at it as Kouya no shounen Isamu, little boy Isamu in the wilderness.

(Guess my age!)

Care workers tend not to be good at it!?

We often miss the perfect shots, being short of batteries.

Well, not many times, because we still have plenty of such chances(LOL).


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“I was not a fisherman, but…”

“I was not a fisherman, but…”


At Haruhi-en Niho

Some were cooking chocolate cakes, others were cleaning fish…on St. Valentine’s Day!

By the way, I’ve forgotten the fish name..

 Ms. M: “I was not a fisherman, but this is nothing to me!”

Removing scales, fileting fish in 3 pieces – his hands move very smoothly as they used to, or rather, just the same as they used to – It must have been a part of daily life for him for real.