Mr. U braided twisted straw ropes after 30 years!

Mr. U braided twisted straw ropes after 30 years!


At Haruhi-en Niho


Mr. U, who joined us at Haruhi-en Niho this month, has been getting used to it here.

Sometimes, he looks somewhat bored and walks around inside home.

So I asked him to braid ropes out of bunch of straw, which we got from Mr. U’s family, in order to hang persimmons.

Q-taro: “Would you braid straw ropes to hang persimmons?”

Mr. U: “Of course I can. Well, but I haven’t done it for 30 years…Lets’s see..OK. Let me give it a try!”

He has the very big hands as farmers.

He braided ropes out of straw in well-skilled manner.

Mr. N: “Hey you! You’re really good at it! I’ve never braided straw ropes, ‘cause I wasn’t a farmer. But I know you can do it very well with your practiced hands!”

Mr. U: “Can you bring me a pair of scissors? You‘d better cut off this sticked-out part. You can joint this to another braided straw rope like this.”

Q-taro: ‘I’m really impressed! I want to braid straw ropes with him together to learn more!’