“Watch out!”

“Watch out!”




At Haruhi-en Niho.


In the afternoon of a sunny day, Ms. H and one of our staff, N, were doing repair work together.


What they repaired was a sign board of road safety (photo), which was going to put on our premises.


It says, “Caution”, or “Watch out”.

Obviously, it asks drivers to drive safely because there is always an unexpected crossing by someone, like children, elderly people.


Then I wished Mrs. H and staff N the safety of repair work because they looked so enthusiastic.

Thank you, guys, and watch out!

What happened to our rice harvest..

What happened to our rice harvest..


From Haruhi-en Niho.

In Japan, mid-September is the season of harvesting rice.

We had been growing rice in a small container (photo above), and looking forward to harvest. But, unfortunately, it never happened. It withered away probably due to lack of water, or some disease.

On the other hand, we reaped a plentiful crop of bitter gourd, nigauri, which was a good news for us. Mrs. H is very good at taking care of plants. Thanks for being such a farmer.

As is well known, straw of rice is very useful. Last year, we made traditional ornaments of New Year’s day using straw of rice. Well, we will wait for next year and look forward to growing various vegetables next year too!