Fitness promotion festival☆

Fitness promotion festival☆


At Haruhi-en Tsuwano.


There was a fitness promotion festival held by our community the other day and we took part in it as participants with our neighbors.

They provided various exercise programs for our enjoyment.


Everybody was enthusiastically doing activities together and the place was filled with joyful excitement.


We tried bilboquet.  Maybe, it is something that makes you nostalgic for those good old days.



Mrs. T was told tips on bilboquet by a local resident and then, she did it beautifully!



For lunch, we ate vegetable curry, which was cooked by members of local ladies group. It was full of vegetable and very delicious(^^)/


In the afternoon, we enjoyed playing ball throwing game. The staff workers accompanied our residents tried to throw as many balls as possible into a basket, and managed to put only one ball in the basket. But, the kids members in our team played it very well, so, our team won a game. Marvelous!


We are now looking forward to next year’s festival.

We are so blessed and grateful, always.
Thank you all.