Grape picking inbetween typhoons

Grape picking inbetween typhoons


At Haruhi-en Niho

By Fujimoto

Although typhoons didn’t hit directly our place, very hot days and rainy days bothered us very much this fall. So, we could not go picking grapes at the right time.

But we decided to go to a vineyard near our facility inbetween typhoons.

“Thank you so much for us to go to various places. I love to go out to a variety of places!” Ms. K said.

They brought back a bite for staffs as well as the other residents who could not go.


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Songs which Ms. W sings – A fun of those days

Songs which Ms. W sings – A fun of those days


at Haruhi-en Niho

by Fujimoto


Ms. W who is about turn age 101 soon often hum songs. She sings gidayu as well. It goes like “Hanshichi, where are you these days?♪♪♪”

“A lot of people have a shamisen at home in those days. We used to enjoy the sound, like chan, chan, chachan. Well, we had a very good time. I missed it.”

We can find a fun even in such a humble country life. Sounds nice, isn’t it?



Mr. harmonica man

Mr. harmonica man


At Haruhi-en Tsuwano

By Shinta

Harmonica man dropped by Haruhi-en Tsuwano and played Japanese songs which they were familiar with.

Those Japanese songs remind us of old good times, don’t they?

The words and melodies come out of mouth naturally with ease.

We had a good time to listen to kind of sad tones of harmonica for a while.

Thank you very much, Mr. harmonica man!

Our spiritual home never fade away. Never ever…


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With a swatter

With a swatter


By Fujimoto


At Haruhi-en Niho

Flies sometimes fly into our home. From our kitchen garden? A staff moved around here and there to flip at it with a swatter. But he couldn’t make it.

Then, there came a resident Mr. Y., saying “Hey, let me try.”

Well, it didn’t take much time for him to flip at it! “How about this?”, he said.

A staff was so impressed with that.

Well, Mr. Y must have more power of concentration than the staff!



What shall we do about them?

What shall we do about them?



Time for the harvest of onions.

Omg! What happens?

Scallions…aren’t they?

…How small!


I’ve heard that onions did not grow well enough here and there this year.

But they are so small…

What shall we do about them?

But, in a way, full of nutrition must be concentrated in their small bodies!

Look at the bright side!

Let’s peel them together♪

